What is NAD+?

Driip NADEveryone is looking for the fountain of youth, that enchanted drug or meal that can turn back time and renew the youth of our bodies and minds. Over the years, there have been many possible miracle workers, but none have received as much attention or have as much promise as NAD+. But what is it and why is it being hailed as the fountain of youth?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme that plays a crucial role in energy metabolism and cellular health. It is found in every living cell and is involved in various biological processes, such as DNA repair, gene expression, and cell signaling. It’s derived from B3, promotes cellular regeneration, and is a part of the conversion of cellular energy.

In recent years, IV NAD+ therapy has gained popularity as a promising treatment. IV NAD+ therapy involves infusing NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, which can lead to higher bioavailability and faster results. Once NAD+ enters the bloodstream, it is transported to the cells, where it is converted into its active form, NADPH, which plays a critical role in energy metabolism by helping to convert food into energy in the form of ATP. Intravenous use of NAD+ activates enzymes in the bloodstream called “sirtuins” which promote the “good” aspects of your genes which facilitate one to stay healthier for longer, reducing the side effects of aging. This energy production process is essential for all cellular functions, including brain function, muscle activity, and immune system function. There are various benefits of IV NAD+ therapy, including:

  • Increased energy: NAD+ is a critical component in the production of ATP, which is the energy currency of the body. Increasing NAD+ levels has been found to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.
  • Anti-aging effects: NAD+ levels decline as we age, which can contribute to age-related cellular damage. IV NAD+ therapy helps boost NAD+ levels and protect against aging-related cellular damage.
  • Neuroprotection: NAD+ plays a vital role in brain function and may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases. It’s being used as a treatment for dementia, addiction, depression, Parkinson’s, MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, etc.
  • Addiction recovery: NAD+ therapy has been used in addiction recovery to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
    Improved athletic performance: NAD+ plays a crucial role in muscle function and may help improve athletic performance.

Your cells run on NAD+, so why does it get depleted?

The levels naturally decrease over time due to age, toxins, and stressors which are unpreventable in our world. Luckily, we have a powerful way of repleating your production at a level you can feel. NAD+ administered intravenously significantly enhances cellular performance and promotes the synthesis of new mitochondria, which we all know is the powerhouse of the cell! Age, toxins, and stress all lead to a reduction in mitochondrial activity.

What Happens if your NAD levels are low?

Low NAD levels are linked to an increased risk of chronic heart disease, diabetes, blindness, obesity, and insulin resistance. Most neurodegenerative disorders, including dementia, addiction, depression, Parkinson’s, MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia, have been proven to benefit from NAD+ treatment. It has been proven to repair DNA, protect brain cells, serve as an internal anti-inflammatory, and help fend off neurodegenerative disorders. Additionally, it’s our premier drip for anti-aging, brain health, and energy. NAD+ also promotes sports performance and rehabilitation.

NAD+ Protocol Recommended Dose

We strongly advise scheduling our 4-series of 550 mg NAD+ drips as closely together as possible (ideally within 1-3 weeks) for the greatest outcomes and overall therapeutic effect of NAD+ infusions. The optimum results for any goals will be achieved with this amount of NAD+ over such a short period of time. When you bundle four NAD+ drips together, you save 10% off your total at our clinic.

Our patients have had amazing results with our NAD+ four series. The most common reports we hear are an improvement with deeper sleep, improved mood, more energy throughout the day, and overall better cognitive function. We’ve had clients use NAD+ for addiction and have reported a significant decrease in cravings as well as a decrease in anxiety and depression.

One of our own clients, Lindsey, reported that after our recommended NAD+ four series, “NAD was my saving grace and a clarity/concentration/mood/memory/motivation RESET button. I called [Drip IV] and explained to them that I was looking to restore my cognitive and mental health. I had been feeling at an all-time low (tired, no motivation, mental fog, no drive, and total loss of creativity/discovery of ideas and planning) having no clear explanation why outside of the standard daily load of stress. After discussing this a little further I decided to move forward with the NAD [four series]. Each day I gradually felt my acute awareness, creativity, concentration, and clarity levels that I once had are returning almost as if I turned back time 15 years.”

This is only one of our stellar reviews about NAD+. If you are looking to experience the benefits of NAD+ and are wanting increased energy, increased mental clarity + cognition, increased anti-aging benefits, pain alleviation, reduced inflammation, prevention and correction of DNA damage, and increased metabolism, the NAD+ four series will give you the relief you need. We look forward to helping you on your road to better health!


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